The Innkeepers (2011)

Well hello there. My name is Claire, and I work at the front desk of the historic Yankee Pedlar hotel. I'm a young, mostly unambitious girl who likes to stare thoughtfully at walls, and when my eyes aren't deadlocked on the floral wallpaper they're rolling all over the place because people are so damn exhausting to deal with.

The hotel is closing down in a few days and this is my last weekend of forgetting to stock the rooms with towels and making EVP recordings of the ghosts. Ah yes, you see, I believe this hotel is haunted by the spirit of Madeline O'Malley, a bride who was so pissed off when her husband stood her up on their wedding day that she hung herself in her room. If that wasn't bad enough, the owners hid the body in the basement because, y'know, how would YOU explain to the police that someone up and committed suicide under your watch. No way! I'd much rather stash the body than try to explain that one.

So yeah, I'm recording EVP… stuff. I don't even know what EVP means, but I do know that I love to sit alone in the dining room with a recorder and microphone listening for that elusive piano playing. Whoever's playing, they're pretty good! One time I caught the music on the recorder, but when I walked into the lobby there was nobody at the piano. I stood over it, staring intently at the keys, until two of them smashed down in unholy discord! I either have telekinesis or Madeline O'Malley is really shy!

I'm not doing all this by myself, of course. Luke is usually at the front desk with me. I'm pretty sure he wants to have sex with me but I pretend I'm oblivious because I'm really not into all that sexy stuff. I'd much rather just surf the net and look for ghosts. Luke has supposedly caught recordings of the elusive ghost-bride, but I've never really seen anything until this weekend. It makes perfect sense… why would a ghost make its presence known until the last few days we're open for business? Obviously they're angry that we're closing and know it's bad for the community, so they're doing something about it!

The ghost-bride came to me in my bed once. She was under the sheets and sat up and then the sheets fell off and her face was really gross. I was really really really scared, so I decided to go into the basement to talk to her. Luke came with me but chickened out and admitted he was just making up stories about seeing Madeline before. He ran out and drove away in the rain he was so scared, man what a wuss!

Am I rambling? I am SO. SORRY. Let me get to the point. You see, after being warned by a crazy psychic ex-actor lady staying at the hotel to NEVER GO INTO THE BASEMENT AGAIN, I go into the basement again. And I get locked in there and scared to death by a ghost. SHIT, I'M DEAD.

But it's okay. Now I get to hang out with ghost-bride all the time and slam doors with my ghost-hands… this is some scary shit.

Oh wait… the hotel is closing in a few days! Maybe I'll go haunt the coffee shop next door. Would you like whip cream with tha— BOO!